Protecting Your Children Before, During, and After Your Divorce BY JOAN H. MCWILLIAMS When you are struggling with the financial, psychological, and legal issues associated with a divorce, it’s difficult to remember that your children need more attention than ever…
Truth or Consequences: Why Honesty Is the Best Policy When Dealing with Your Lawyer BY KATIE MCCLAFLIN You, like most people, are likely to want to finalize your divorce with your integrity intact, your finances in order, and a positive…
Why Can’t All My Employees be Independent Contractors? Over the years, companies have often tried to treat people as independent contractors because it avoids taking care of payroll, you don’t pay benefits, and you that a lot of employer rules…
Accusing a Judge of Bias, Prejudice, or Misconduct In the most recent post on this blog, I discussed Zavodnik v. Harper, 17 N.E. 259 (Ind. 2014) in which the Indiana Supreme Court delineated what it considered reasonable restrictions on a…
The Indiana Supreme Court recently provided some guidance on how to deal with Pro Se litigants who are using the judicial system to abuse, harass or clog the system with frivolous claims. In Zavodnik v. Harper, 17 N.E. 259 (Ind. 2014),…